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Friday, October 23, 2009

Poll: 1 in 4 Adults Say Family Member Lost Health Coverage

More than a quarter of U.S. adults report that at least one member of their immediate family lost health insurance coverage within the past year, a new poll reveals.

Low-income families, those whose household earning is $35,000 and less, and young adults, ages 18-29 years old, are the most likely to have lost their health coverage, according to the Zogby Interactive poll. Thirty-seven and 35 percent of people in each group, respectively, lost coverage.

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1 comment:

disability insurance said...

Hello. I am afraid that the health care situation in the US is really critical. More and more people have no insurance coverage and even thouse who have it can't be sure if the insurance companies will pay for the treatment. First I hoped that Obama's policy would help the people, but now it seems that the only ones who are actually protected by the government are the insurance companies.
All the best,