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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Illegals Invite You to Take Their Jobs

Illegal immigrants boost the crime rate and take American jobs — right?

Well, wrong. But if you don't believe the experts, see for yourself. The UFW invites unemployed Americans to take the farm jobs occupied by illegal immigrants. That's about half of all farm jobs.

What's the catch? The jobs are absolutely grueling and you'll be working 10 hours a day, six days a week. Only after the 10th hour will overtime pay kick in — and that's in California. Most states don't have any overtime pay for farm work.

Small farms aren't bound by minimum wage laws, and 15 states don't require farm labor — which involves quite a bit of dangerous equipment — to be covered by workers compensation laws.

Any takers?

The UFW's Take Our Jobs campaign will be featured on the July 8 episode of the Colbert Report.

This piece was written by Cameron Scott of the SFGate on June 28, 2010.

Copyright SFGate 2010

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