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Monday, December 13, 2010

A dream come true?

The timidity of elected officials in taking a position on immigration reform has incensed voters of every stripe. But in Illinois the perennially popular Jim Edgar, who was governor of the state from 1991 to 1999, has not shied from supporting in the DREAM Act.

Edgar, a Republican, may not have the bully pulpit he used to but his name still carries weight. Now a distinguished fellow at the University of Illinois' Institute of Government and Public Affairs, here’s what he wrote in the Chicago Tribune about legal residency and 2 million of the young people who could be affected by immigration reform:

A rational approach to comprehensive immigration reform should begin with the young people who were brought here as babies, toddlers and adolescents.

Many have worked hard in school. Some want to serve in our military. All are undocumented. They live every day in fear of being caught, uprooted and sent to a country some have never known as their home.

A nation as kind as ours should not turn its back on them. Congress needs to support the sensible, humane approach embodied in legislation known as the Dream Act.

The measure charts a rigorous path that undocumented youths must negotiate to gain legal status and qualify for citizenship, and supporting it would be both good government and good politics.

Democrats want to keep faith with those who have strongly backed them in recent elections. Republicans need to make substantial inroads with Latinos and other minorities to remain competitive in many states like Illinois. Among those who grasp the merits and the politics is Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., one of the most respected figures on the national scene and a co-sponsor of the legislation.

The proposal would require prospective beneficiaries to have been younger than 16 when they arrived and to have lived here for at least five years. They would need to have a high school diploma or GED or to have been accepted into a higher education institution. They must also have good moral character.

This is no amnesty bill.

A qualifying immigrant would receive a six-year conditional resident status. After that period, the immigrant could obtain a green card, government authorization to permanently live and work in the United States, if he or she has completed two years of college or two years of honorable service in the U.S. Armed Forces and maintained a clean record. Only after acquiring a green card could an individual apply for citizenship.

Some supporters of liberalizing immigration laws contend the Dream Act is too demanding. But we are a nation of laws as well as immigrants. Americans have a right to expect anyone who wants legal status in this country to earn it and display respect for our laws. Most, if not all, Americans agree our national immigration policy is a mess. It is the result of failed leadership and both political parties share the blame. They have punted this issue down the road for someone else to solve.

The Migration Policy Institute estimates about 2.1 million young immigrants could be impacted by the Dream legislation — a relatively small but important part of the undocumented population.

Enactment of the measure would constitute just one step but a significant and responsible one.

America has been a beacon of hope for vulnerable people throughout the world. Today, we should offer hope to young people already living here who want to be good citizens and serve in our military.

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