This site is intended to educate the public on broad social, political and economic issues affecting low-income families. Comments made by readers herein do not represent the views or positions of the Marguerite Casey Foundation or Equal Voice, America’s Family Story, and do not constitute a recommendation for or against any specific candidate, legislation, or legislative proposal.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Joyce Cook Lifecasting for Equal Voice for America's Families

Meet Joyce Cook. Joyce is one of five working families who will be Lifecasting every Tuesday for our blog. Each week moms and dads (and sometimes their children and other family members) will share about their experiences working to hold their families together during tough economic times and against the backdrop of an historic election.

Joyce is a single, working mom who also cares for her niece and nephew, whose parents passed away when they were young. Her son Edjuan is in prison and, because of that experience, she now works as an advocate for incarcerated youth.

Between now and the September Equal Voice for America's Families convention, we'll hear from Joyce and her family, and four others from different parts of the nation about their challenges, their concerns, their perspective on the issues, and their ideas for change.

You can see a poem by Joyce's son Edjuan in the longer version of the video and read more about Joyce and her family in the New America Media article Rebirth in Rodeo: A Mother’s Struggle with a Son’s Incarceration

You can also visit the New America Media site for stories about the town hall meetings that have been held across the country over the past 9 months, and for ongoing coverage of Campaign activity leading up to the national convention in September.

Technorati Tags: activism, economy, politics, poverty, families, working+families, 2008 elections, barack obama, john mccain, social justice, current affairs, current events, immigration, online video, lifecasting.

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