This site is intended to educate the public on broad social, political and economic issues affecting low-income families. Comments made by readers herein do not represent the views or positions of the Marguerite Casey Foundation or Equal Voice, America’s Family Story, and do not constitute a recommendation for or against any specific candidate, legislation, or legislative proposal.

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Telling Stories

Watching Joyce Cook talking about her experiences as a single mom working in Richmond, California (see the post, below) reminds us of the thousands of incredible and touching stories we've heard throughout the Equal Voice for America's Families Campaign.

Through more than 60 townhalls all across the country, more than 10,000 people have come together to address the issues facing working families, and to develop a bottom-up agenda to ensure that the next President and the next Congress adopts a national family platform.

In the process, we've met some amazing people, and heard stories that have ranged from the heart-breaking to the uplifting. Sometimes funny and sometimes sad, these stories reveal the daily struggles and triumphs of working class families in America.

We know that many readers of this blog weren't attendees of our townhalls, even though they support our cause. That's why we're pleased to be bringing our "Lifecasting" series to the Internet -- to amplify the stories that many of us working closely with working families have come to know so well.

Every Tuesday we'll be featuring a new Lifecasting Episode. Here on the blog, Joyce Cook and four other individuals and families from places like Chicago, South Texas and New Mexico will be sharing their real-world experiences with their families, their jobs, and their communities.

Each episode promises to be a compelling glimpse into the lives of working families in America, and we hope you'll watch each episode every week -- but we'd like to ask you to do more a bit more.

The truth is, we need your help amplifying the voices of working families in our public discourse.

To that end, please make use the viral tools on this blog and at the end of each video. Take a moment to forward the latest lifecasting video or blog post to your friends and families.

And, if you haven't already done so, please be sure to sign up for our email updates, and encourage your friends, colleagues and family to do the same.

The stories we've heard in townhalls -- and the stories we are hearing here on the blog and in videos -- are powerful. But the power to amplify those stories -- to ensure that they enter the larger public discourse, and that the voices of working families become truly equal -- lies in your hands.

And it's just a click of a link away!

Technorati Tags: activism, economy, politics, poverty, families, working+families, 2008 elections, barack obama, john mccain, social justice, current affairs, current events, immigration, online video, lifecasting.

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